Lorraine Wellman healing practitioner in Frome
Deeply healing and rejuvenating treatments to
support you to nurture, connect and build a steadiness
in the busy-ness of your day to day life Read more.
Esoteric Connective Tissue TherapyLorraine Wellman provides Connective Tissue therapy. CTT is supportive when there are physical aches, pains, like neck pain, muscular strains and injuries, inflammation and fractures, as it is a support to the body while it is undergoing the healing process . .
Walking into the treatment room was a healing in itself, the way Lorraine had prepared everything with such care in every fine detail felt amazing and allowed my body to relax and surrender in such a supportive space.
She has a lightness that made me feel at ease and able to open up with out trying, difficulty or awkwardness. Looking back it brought a light heartedness and simplicity into my life too, which although it is actually natural for me, I hadn't felt it for a while because of the complications of life around me. I would recommend her treatments to anyone, especially for those feeling hesitant about seeking complementary therapies as she brings a high level of integrity but with out any imposition or arrogance. Laura Hoy Essential Oil Consultant |
Lorraine Wellman - True Health and Wellbeing is inspired by the work of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon